Since Eating Plants My Recovery Times Have Improved

Since Eating Plants My-Recovery-Times-From-Running-Have Improved

Hey dirties, if you’ve got some time on your hands I have a little story to tell. I’ve been Whole-Food Plant-Based No Oil (WFPBNO) for about 18 months now. Some weeks I batch it all, some weeks nothing and recently sometimes the simple plans are enough of a challenge… balancing time with motivation and energy.

I started running ultra marathons about two years ago and since eating plants my recovery times have improved and I can go harder for longer.

Batching has honestly changed my life… a few hours on Friday or Saturday and I’m set for the week, sometimes more. Clean Food Dirty Girl (CFDG) is perfect for me, nutrient rich and calorie dense meals are easy to concoct to refuel the massive calorie deficit I couldn’t otherwise overcome.

When I ran my first 50k two years ago I lost 3kg and continued to lose and not regain any for about two months… no matter how much I ate… but it wasn’t quality food.

This past weekend I ran my first 100km trail ultra… it took me 20 hours, climbing 4500 meters up and down and over 10,000 stairs… but the best part? Apart from finishing of course… no weight loss… I was so well fueled by plants before, during and after, thanks to all the ideas and plans I get from this group.

Anyway, I just wanted to share how much of a difference this group has made to my eating and how I feel about how and what I eat… for that I say thank you to all you bitches and wizards!! ?

Tracy Watson


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