
8: How Lisa Used Food To Overcome Food Addiction and Avoid Weight Loss Surgery

This episode is a tad sweary.

WFPB Molly Patrick
Clean Food Dirty Girl
8: How Lisa Used Food To Overcome Food Addiction and Avoid Weight Loss Surgery

Show notes:

In this episode I chat with Lisa Lewis about her plant based journey and why she chose to make the switch. Lisa lost over 130 pounds gradually and she has kept it off for years since. She did this with ease and never feeling restricted.

This video chat was originally posted on our website in July 2021.

What you’ll learn during today’s chat about overcoming food with addiction with a plant-based diet

  1. How to take weight loss one step at a time
  2. It’s possible to have a healthy relationship with food, even if it’s been your drug of choice in the past
  3. Your family doesn’t have to eat a whole-food plant-based diet for you to eat this way
  4. How to approach a lifestyle change with a spirit of curiosity while being kind to yourself
  5. Losing weight and overcoming food addiction doesn’t have to mean giving up delicious food

Recipes and Meal Plan referenced in this chat:


Clean Food Dirty Girl helps people eat more plants while celebrating human imperfection.

Subscribe to our podcast for plant based eating inspiration and permission to be perfectly imperfect. Share in awkward moments we all have and find strength and beauty in challenging times. Let’s expand our capacity to hold our dreams and goals. Please note: Molly doesn’t curse all the time, but this podcast is a tad sweary.

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