My Morning Dance + Antioxidant Packed Vegetable and Wild Rice Soup

Did you notice that my morning routine doesn’t consist of meditating for an hour and a half, followed by 20 rounds of sun salutations, topping it off with aligning and cleansing my heart chakras with fresh stream water that I gathered? Don’t add shit to your morning routine just because everyone else is doing it and you feel you “should”

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The Plant Based Wizardry Behind Team Dirty + Creamy Avo Quinoa Salad

Last year I was on the brink of a meltdown…But let me back up. Clean Food Dirty Girl has been 100% self funded. Luanne and I started working on our business full time in January 2014. We put in 12 hour days for two years straight before we started making enough money to pay our rent and our bills without a side gig. For those first two years we were running on passion, determination and trust that one day it would gain traction and it would work.

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How I Stuck to Eating a Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet During my Recent Three Week Trip to Australia (with pics)

Eating like a champion plant eater takes a bit of time and effort, regardless of where you happen to be. When you travel, you won’t be getting your batch on like you do at home, but you will have to gather up some ingredients and put a few things together. What you make will depend on the amount of kitchen and refrigerator space you have to work with.

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