Nutrients That Plant Based Eaters Must be Mindful of (Part 1) – B12, D and Calcium + Calcium-Rich Creamy Amaranth Porridge

To start, eating donuts and a sugary drink for breakfast and trying to make up for it by taking a couple handfuls of vitamins isn’t where it’s at – whether you eat plant based or not. There’s a huge paradigm shift that occurs when you start eating more and more plants and less of everything else. Part of that shift is understanding that whole plant foods are packed with an abundance of protein, healthy fat, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants and fiber just by virtue of growing from the ground and being plants.

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Mama Earth Doesn’t Grow Apple Pie, But She Does Grow Apples + Plant Based Mashed Potatoes & Celery Root (Celeriac)

People tend to over-complicate shit, especially about food and what’s healthy and what’s not. And I get it. There’s a lot of noise and conflicting opinions on the internet. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to do your homework and then eat however makes you feel the best – physically, mentally, emotionally, and ethically.

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This Is Super Personal to Me

This is super personal to me quit drinking support with molly patrick

When I finally decided to quit drinking and smoking for good, I knew I needed to do something apart from just abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes. There was no way I could continue life exactly as I’d been living it up until that point, minus the booze and cigs and expect this much needed change to stick. I needed a different routine altogether.

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