Announcing Recipe Vault Access in Clean Food Dirty Girl

Clean Food Dirty Girl Recipes Vegan and Oil Free

No matter its size or shape, the human body is a beautiful, miraculous, stunning, complex, highly intelligent organism made up of trillions of cells. TRILLIONS of cells. ???? My brain doesn’t know what to do with that information. It’s like when I visited the Musée de Cluny, the medieval museum in Paris, and saw a…

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My Plant Based France Adventure: Part One

Molly Patrick's Plant Based Gluten Free

I’ve been to Europe several times and France has always seemed like the kind of place I would have stopped and explored at some point. But surprisingly, I’ve never been before. This all changed in March of this year when I decided to do a plant based tour of Paris. My girlfriend is Parisian and…

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Six Things That Helped Me Get and Stay Sober

Six Things That Helped Me Get and Stay Sober by Molly Patrick

I knew I was finally ready to get and stay sober when I felt an exhaustion so deep that it was beyond physical. It was an emotional and spiritual depletion that left me feeling so weak that it was hard to make it through a normal day. If an average day was hard to get…

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A Simple Method to Quit Sugar

A Simple Method to Help You Quit Sugar for Good (If You Want To)

We all know processed sugar isn’t great for our bodies, but many struggle to go without it. This isn’t surprising, considering it’s addictive, expected in social gatherings, and widely available. Whether your sweet fix is ice cream, candy, or soda, refined sugar can be beeeeee-yatch to quit.  I’m not saying you should quit sugar because that…

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How My 79-Year-Old Mom Became Our Gardener

How my 79 Year Old Mom Became Our Gardener

Well, it’s happened. My 79-year-old mom is our new gardener.  She lives in a condo without much garden space, and she’s been wanting to get her hands in the dirt. We have some outside areas at our house that need some love, so we offered to pay her to help. She said, “Yes! I will…

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When We Let Our Wants Guide Our Food Choices

When We Let Our Wants Guide Our Food Choices

I used to drink way more than is healthy for one human. When I was finally ready to make a change, I decided to never put alcohol in my mouth again. I’ve done this for over seven years, and it’s worked beautifully.  I don’t have to think about whether to drink or how much. That…

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