Deep Down, You Know + Vegan Walnut Parm

In order to help other people with their shit, we have to have our shit together first. It’s as easy and predictable as that. And here’s the reality of the situation. If you aren’t operating at your best, you will never be able to give your best to the ones you love – no matter how hard you try.

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Trust Me, You Have Time + Whole-Food Plant-Based Black Bean Soup

Here’s the thing – your body doesn’t care if you don’t have time to cook or eat healthy food. IT GIVES EXACTLY ZERO SHITS. It won’t magically start thriving on processed convenience foods just because you didn’t get your shit together to batch cook. It won’t give you a free pass. It won’t turn cheese pizza into kale or potato chips into hummus as soon as they hit your system. That’s not how it works. And I could have told you that when I was naked, drunk and tripping on mushrooms in a drum circle next to some hot springs.

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List of Whole-Food Plant-Based Ingredients + Roasted Kabocha Squash

Here’s the thing. It’s important that you don’t get obsessed with perfection. Perfection doesn’t exist and obsession isn’t healthy – whether it’s with donuts or kale. So don’t make your life miserable by trying to be perfect – do the best you can. And to help you, here’s a list of the ingredients that are considered Whole-Food Plant-Based and the ingredients that are not.

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Flaxseeds: What You Need to Know + Chickpea Crab Cakes

Flaxseeds have been eaten by hippies for a long time. And when I say hippies, I mean my parents. I have very clear memories of flaxseeds from my childhood. They were always stored in a reused plastic bread bag next to the molasses and the carob powder (fucking carob – what a mean trick).

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All About Seaweed + Seaweed Packed Tofu Poke Recipe

There are a few important plant foods that even the plantiest of eaters tend to forget about. These foods aren’t more miraculous than other plant foods, these are just the ones that most people skim over and don’t eat on a regular basis but should, because of their unique nutritional profiles.

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Trust Me, You’ve Plant Blocked + Chunky Veggie Stew with Garbanzo Beans

The last time you went straight past the big bowl of fruit on your kitchen counter and reached for the chocolate in your cupboard? Plant blocking. When you fill up your weekends with so many activities that you have no time to plan and batch for the week ahead? Plant blocking. You are not alone, we all plant block from time to time. I did it just last week when my girlfriend, Luanne was on a cake bender.

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