Engaging in Self-Defeating Behavior + Easy Classic Hummus Recipe

Brace yourself, today’s fuckery is like dessert at a hippie festival – raw with a hint of sweet at the end. I have a set of early memories that are hard to explain, but I’m going to try. This was after my parents moved us out of the teepee and into the adobe house that the two of them built by hand, so I must have been around three years old. (You read that right I lived in a teepee when I was little. No shit.)

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6 Common Reasons Why People Don’t Eat Healthier and What To Do About It + Plant Based Ginger Almond Pad Thai

Have you ever noticed that the time leading up to something challenging sucks way harder than actually doing it? Let me paint an example for your brain. Right now it’s 12:41 pm on Wednesday and my Bikram yoga class starts in 4 hours and 49 minutes. Do you know what’s going through my mind right now? — Ways I can get out of going to class.

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Tips for Eating More Plant Based Regardless of Your Current Diet + Mint Mango and Black Bean Quinoa Salad

We create our reality with every choice we make. I’ve made some shitty choices, that’s for sure. The time in high school when my best friend and I made a beer bong and then used it while we were driving. That wasn’t a good choice. The time I decided to spend a summer in Alaska working at a Salmon cannery, canning dead salmon for 12 hours a day. That wasn’t good.

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