Don’t Worry About Healthiest

I’m here with a loving reminder for your beautiful self.  There is nothing wrong with healthiER when healthiEST isn’t realistic.  There could be many reasons why healthiest won’t work for you right now:  Or maybe your once stable-feeling life is all upside down, backward, sideways, squiggly, and twirly whirly.  I don’t know all the things,…

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The Next Time Someone Puts Down Your Eating

next time someone puts down your eating

If you’re gearing up for a holiday dinner and feeling a certain kind of way about, read on.  Maybe you’re nervous about people looking at your food like it’s an alien on a plate. Maybe you’re not stoked to explain, for the umpteenth time, why you’re not putting meat in your mouth.  Maybe you’re not…

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Expand and Evolve During the 2023 Plant Fueled Reset

expand and evolve plant fueled reset

I believe that the point of life is to evolve.  Life is always giving us opportunities to grow, stretch, and expand so that we have room to hold all it has to offer.  These opportunities often take the form of challenging shit because we grow the most when we’re challenged.  If life was a steady…

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If you’re head first in a bag of potato chips, read this

So you’re at the starting line with whole-food plant-based eating.  Maybe eating this way is brand new to you.Maybe you’ve eaten this way before, but you took a hard left a few miles back, and you’ve been elbow-deep in potato chips and boxed mac and cheese ever since.  Either way, we’ve all been there. I…

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How I Save Money with Plant Based Batching

How I Save Money with Plant Based Batching

A while back, I was super sick for about 2 weeks.  Normally, I do most of the cooking in our house, but I didn’t cook at all during this time. The first week, my wife Luanne made Miso Soup and baked tofu. A friend also made us rice and beans, and my mom made Mac…

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Seven Things that Make Life Harder than it Has to Be

seven things that make life harder than it has to be

Life can be pretty hard. For all the people.  It’s hard for different reasons but, categorically, to be human is to experience challenges and the emotions that go along with them.  We might very much want to control the stuff that makes life hard, but we can’t.  And yet. There are some things we can…

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Try Clean Food Dirty Girl Free for 10 days!

try plant fueled life free for 10 days

Picture it. You’re in line at the grocery store, and the person in front of you starts putting their groceries onto the conveyor belt. They pile up fresh produce, bursting with all the colors of the rainbow—fruit and veggies galore. They add bags of whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and spices.  As you scope out…

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The choices we make

You don’t have to eat 100% plant based if you don’t want to.You could eat plant based sometimes and bacon other times.You could eat whole-food plant-based no oil at home and vegan when you eat out.You could eat plant based Monday through Friday and whatever you want on the weekends.You could eat plant based dinners…

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