Dilemmas of Life by Clean Food Dirty Girl

What my Yeast Infection Taught me

What My Itchy Twat (Yeast Infection) Reminded Me

How to Eat Well When You Travel a Lot – Tips from a Whole-Food Plant-Based Commercial Airline Pilot

Life Coach Molly Patrick

My Struggle with Alcohol

Saying Goodbye + Veggie Fried Black Rice & Lentils

Here’s What I Do After I Eat Like Crap + Black Rice and Lentils

My Eyes Welled Up With Tears + Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

Tofu Will Never Pass as a Hard Boiled Egg + Curry Roasted Cauliflower

Trust Me, You Have Time + Whole-Food Plant-Based Black Bean Soup

Trust Me, You’ve Plant Blocked + Chunky Veggie Stew with Garbanzo Beans

Life is so much more than just what you eat or don’t eat. Join me on this journey of common as we navigate through the dilemmas of life together

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