Love Up on Your Beautiful Body by Clean Food Dirty Girl

Do You Want To Lick My Detox? + Coconut Polenta with Roasted Root Veggies and Tangerine Cashew Cream

Sarah Went From a Size 14 to a size 4 – Here’s How + Brown Rice Casserole

How to Get Through Holiday Shenanigans + Tangerine and Herb Roasted Root Veggies

The Two Things That Will End Self-Defeating Eating Habits + Cornbread Stuffing with 5 Minute Gravy

Liberate Yourself From Your Scale + Orange Maple Butternut Squash & Tofu Salad

Tips For Eating A Plant Based Diet + Super Easy Nori Hand Rolls

Diets Don’t Work and Can Go Kiss My Ass + Green Chili Mac and Cheese

Slather Yourself With Love + How To Cook Quinoa Perfectly (and what to do with it)

My Un-Advice To You + Minty Green Cacao Smoothie Recipe

Fuel your life with whole plant foods and love up on your beautiful body in all of its glorious imperfection. Love the food that will love you back.

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