The Beauty of Imperfection by Clean Food Dirty Girl

Ash Ambirge and Molly Patrick. From Trailer Parks and Teepees to Successful Entrepreneurs + Smoky Tempeh Strips

Everything You Need to Feel Outrageously Good + Pan-Roasted Corn Salsa (Oil Free)

Before and After Pictures: Why They’re Important + Frothy Cacao Mint Cooler

Be Stronger than Your Excuses—Batch Cooking from a Wheelchair (video chat with Tammy Snowden) + Oil-Free Falafel Patties

Dirty Girl Betty Haynes Went from Eating Meat, Dairy and Processed Food to Loving Plants (Video)

You Are Not Alone + Noodles with Veggies and Spicy Szechuan Peanut Sauce

Tips for Taking Care of Someone You Love without Driving Them Nutty + Fresh Apple Cinnamon Juice

How Lyndsey’s IBS Came Back After Just Seven Days + Plant Based Green Bean Casserole (oil free)

Lyndsey Does Paris + Orange Cardamom Cranberry Sauce

Magic doesn’t happen by being perfect. Being perfect is overrated and unrealistic. Magic happens when you embrace your imperfections and lovingly move on.

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