Video Chats with People Who Are Rocking Plants by Clean Food Dirty Girl

Dirty Girl Erin Wisneski Says Goodbye to Seasonal Allergies, Acne and Acid Reflux (video) + Plant Based Lentil Chia Burgers

Jami Heymann Frees Herself of All Lupus Symptoms with a Plant Based Diet + Tangy Strawberry Hemp Dressing

Frances Reverses Type 2 Diabetes with a Plant Based Lifestyle + Plant Based Oil Free Refried Bean and Salsa Soup

Crappy Eating Has Nothing To Do With Willpower – Dr Doug Lisle Explains (Video) + Wild Rice Recipe

The Plant Based Wizardry Behind Team Dirty + Creamy Avo Quinoa Salad

Dr. Joel Fuhrman and the Importance of Nutritional Excellence + Instant Pot Smoky Black-Eyed Peas

All About Cheese with Dr. Neal Barnard (video) + Plant Based Tofu Ricotta (oil free)

Soy and a plant based diet brenda davis registered dietitian

All About Soy – I Brought in an Expert for This One (Brenda Davis RD)

How to Eat Well When You Travel a Lot – Tips from a Whole-Food Plant-Based Commercial Airline Pilot

A collection of video interviews with people who are rocking the whole food plant based lifestyle by Molly Patrick of Clean Food Dirty Girl

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