When Life Gives You Heartbreak by Clean Food Dirty Girl

Dieting is a Bitch of a Cycle Not Unlike Abusive Relationships + Plant Based Rich Dessert Bites

Trust Me, You Have Time + Whole-Food Plant-Based Black Bean Soup

List of Whole-Food Plant-Based Ingredients + Roasted Kabocha Squash

I Have No Interest In Cleansing Your Energy + Turmeric Vanilla Latté

Staying Committed When Shit Gets Hard + Whole-Food Plant-Based Curry Tofu with Farro and Broccoli

Life, It’s Not Always Cheery + Plant Based Holiday Cookies

How to Get Through Holiday Shenanigans + Tangerine and Herb Roasted Root Veggies

The Two Things That Will End Self-Defeating Eating Habits + Cornbread Stuffing with 5 Minute Gravy

I Dug Myself a Hole Alright + Buckwheat with Collards, Mushrooms, Drizzled with Lemon Tahini Dressing

The idea that we can never fully protect ourselves from pain is both freeing and terrifying, but when we make peace with this, it becomes more freeing and less terrifying.

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