When Life Gives You Heartbreak by Clean Food Dirty Girl

The Cycle of Life + Whole-Food Plant-Based Berry Scones with Lemon Hibiscus Cashew Cream

The Impermanence of Life + Dilly Green Bean Sauté (oil-free)

You Already Have What You Need + Quick Carrot Raisin Salad

Learning to Forgive + Oil-Free Chimichurri Sauce

Talking About Death (Audio Interview) + Garlicky White Bean and Spinach Quesadillas

Lyndsey Tells All + Blue Cheese Inspired Dressing (plant based and oil free)

Showing Up for Yourself + Plant Based Mango Lassi (no refined sugar)

Be Stronger than Your Excuses—Batch Cooking from a Wheelchair (video chat with Tammy Snowden) + Oil-Free Falafel Patties

A Love Note to Those Who Struggle with Depression + Cardamom Coffee Cake Muffins

The idea that we can never fully protect ourselves from pain is both freeing and terrifying, but when we make peace with this, it becomes more freeing and less terrifying.

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