July 31, 2021 by Molly Patrick

People told me I was crazy, I'm doing it anyway (big announcement)

It’s 87°F (30°C) here on Maui, and I just ate a big bowl of Chickpea Noodle Soup from last week’s meal plan because apparently, I enjoy sweat dripping down my face when I eat lunch. Except I don’t sweat because I have a malfunction, so my face just gets bright red when I’m hot, and I look like I might actually pass out, face down in my giant-ass soup bowl.

My sister and brother-in-law also ate soup in 87° heat because that’s what I had in my fridge, and when it comes to feeding visitors, they eat what I cook, or they can make their own food. So all three of us ate soup in the heat, and two of us sweated.

When people sign up and use our weekly plans, this is the stuff they email in thanking us for:

  • No more guesswork about what’s for dinner
  • Dinner stress GONE
  • No more food ruts or food burnout
  • Consistently delicious whole-food plant-based meals that they CRAVE
  • Safely getting off various medications
  • Losing weight, increased energy, better sleep
  • Improved skin and glorious bowel movements
  • No longer having pre-diabetes
  • Recovery from food addiction
  • Learning how to cook a healthy whole-food plant-based diet using a wide range of plant based ingredients
  • Nutrient diversity without having to plan it out
  • Saving time and money during the week because of the magic of batch cooking
  • Improved mental health and mental clarity
  • And an overall upgraded sense of purpose and self-love

But here’s the part that gets my baby goat (side note, Luanne found an abandoned baby goat one time when we were visiting the British Virgin Islands, and I thought I had died and gone to baby goat heaven).

What makes me want to cry baby goat tears is when people sign up for our Weekly Meal Plans and then never put them to use, missing out on all the life-changing shifts our members who follow our meal plans are high on. No weed or booze necessary, just pure plant-powered joy.

It is, for this reason, I decided to happily say screw it, and offer Group Coaching Events. And nope, the price of our membership is not increasing.

If you are a member and you don’t follow our plans regularly, for whatever reason, this is for you.

If you are new to eating plants and want additional support on your plant based path, this is for you.

If you want to get all the benefits of eating more plants, this is for you.

If you like my style of teaching and want to connect with me, this is for you.

  • How to best utilize our robust portal
  • General questions on all things plant based eating
  • Where the hell to find Ume Plum Vinegar
  • How to make time for batching when you have a gazillion and three things to do
  • What to substitute for mushrooms
  • What to do if all your family wants to eat is mac and cheese
  • What to eat for breakfast when you’re plant based
  • How to stop being overwhelmed about eating plant based and start double fisting salad
  • What to do if you don't like certain plant based ingredients
  • What actually is baby corn, though? (spoiler alert, I have no idea)

Well, not all the things. I can’t answer medical questions or give specific dietary advice, but I can point you to helpful resources.

Think of this as an empowering plant based support group with the important addition of not taking ourselves too seriously and a sprinkle of saucy language. You will get your questions answered, connect with other Dirties, get inspired, and continue (or start) to ROCK plants.

Here’s the plan: I’m gonna go eat more soup because that shit was DELISH, you go sign up for our plant-based meal plans, and we'll reconvene.


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Written by ex-boozer and ex-smoker, Molly Patrick that will help you eat more plants while throwing perfection down the garbage disposal.


Not for those offended by the F word.