Plant Based Diet Transformation with CFDG Meal Plans

Plant Based Transformation CFDG Meal Plans Review
Weight loss and transformation after plant-based diet. On the left, there is a picture of our Meal Plan subscriber in a black shirt. After deciding to change her life and eat more plant, she has 62+ pounds and is on the right with her incredible black dress and healthy body.

Sharing this today because sometimes seeing an old photo pop up here on ye’ old book of faces makes you think “Well shit, I have come a long way.” Especially when you look in the mirror and still see the rolls, the batwing upper arms, and the saggy neck/chin area, and know the scale still has a way to go.

Then I have to stop all that shit and say ya know what, I’m kicking some ass. 62 pounds down the total, a few of those before I started this journey, but I’ll take the win. I gave myself the gift of Clean Food Dirty Girl Meal Plans for Christmas of 2018.

This has been the best decision I’ve made for myself after deciding to live my life for myself.

Thank you to all of you for the daily inspiration because I still need that shit!!! Love every last one of you sexy beasts!!!

Stacey Booth

Virginia, USA

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