May 30, 2021 by Molly Patrick

The only way I know how to do it

The only way to eat a ridiculously healthy whole-food plant-based diet is to eat a ridiculously healthy whole-food plant-based diet.

You can read the books, watch the documentaries, follow the Instagram accounts, read the blogs, read the emails, and sign up for the Meal Plans, but if you don’t actually go to the grocery store, cook, and eat the plants, it’s not going to happen.

The only way I was able to stop smoking cigarettes was to stop putting cigarettes to my lips and inhaling. 

The only way I quit drinking alcohol was to stop putting alcohol in my mouth and swallowing.

The only way I am able to eat a healthy whole-food plant-based diet is to go to the grocery store each week (with my grocery list from the classroom), cook the recipes, and then put the plants in my mouth and chew.

I know it’s simplistic, but in order to do the thing, you have to do the thing.

Of course you won’t always want to do the thing. Doing the thing sucks sometimes.

When it sucks, instead of asking yourself what’s the worst that can happen if you follow through. Ask yourself what’s the worst that can happen if you don’t follow through.

Quitting smoking wasn’t easy.
But my life would have been a fuck ton harder if I kept smoking.

Quitting drinking sucked so much ass. 
But my life would have sucked way more ass if I kept drinking.

Cooking every weekend can be a pain. 
But my life would be far more painful if I didn’t fill my body with plants every day.

This shift in thinking always helps me cut through my bullshit excuses (trust me, I have lots) and just do the damn thing. Which is the only way to get it done.

Today over on the blog, I share with you why eating the same breakfast every morning has been a game-changer for me. Meet me over here.


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Written by ex-boozer and ex-smoker, Molly Patrick that will
help you eat more plants while throwing perfection down
the garbage disposal.


Not for those offended by the F word.