July 20, 2024 by Molly Patrick

Treat yourself

Hello, my friend,

I hope you’re having a good summer. I’m picturing you lazing about in a sunny room, relaxing with a cat curled up next to you. You’re reading an excellent book you can’t put down, sipping refreshing iced tea, and wearing dreamy linen. There’s a nice cool breeze gently kissing your face. Maybe that’s my summer fantasy—lol. Either way, I hope you’re finding relaxation and happiness in your life. I know I am.

I’ve curated a list of things I think you’ll enjoy. Go through them now or come back later when you want a little inspiration.

????️ Dr. Monica Salas Talks About Lifestyle Medicine
????️ Erin Orr Heals from the Outside In
????️ Dr. Stephan Esser on Bone Health, Inflammation & the Immune System

???? Simple Dairy-Free Chocolate Pudding
???? Overnight Oats Six Ways
???? Chickpea Masala Tomato Soup Using Rancho Gordo Beans

???? A Bedtime Story for You and Your Body
???? The Cycle of Life
???? A Love Note from Me to You

Some of my favorite things right now:

  • The Midnight Library by Matt Haig (the best fiction book I’ve read in a while)
  • Call My Agent! (a great French show on Netflix. If you’re learning French, put on the French subtitles and follow along)
  • Trevor Hall (when I turn on his music, my shoulders relax, and I instantly feel better)
  • Coloring with colored pencils while listening to an audiobook (not more relaxing than a massage, but close)
  • Sipping this Frothy Cacao Mint Cooler (the ultimate refreshing drink on a hot day)
  • Enjoying this easy soup (it’s on repeat, even in the heat of the summer)

May you have an excellent summer. I’ll meet you in that sunny room. You bring the iced tea, I’ll bring the cat.


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Written by ex-boozer and ex-smoker, Molly Patrick that will help you eat more plants while throwing perfection down the garbage disposal.


Not for those offended by the F word.